Out with the old, in with the blue?

It’s not uncommon for people to feel a sense of sadness or loss in mid-winter. Maybe you've spent a lot of time engaged in fun activities, surrounded by good friends and family, and now you're in a post-holiday slump. Maybe illness, weather, or other factors disrupted your plans and you've felt lonely this season. If this is you, you're not alone.

Some folks shake off the doldrums and press into the new year. Others might choose to lean into the blue and learn something new about themselves through these feelings. Maybe they’re feeling light blue.

For others, blue feelings become stronger or deeper and are not so easy to move on from. The things that used to bring them joy or contentment are no longer interesting. Life just doesn’t feel good. They may be feeling more dark blue.

It can be hard to discern where you’re at, so this article on the difference between sadness and depression might help you decide. Depending on how you’re feeling, choose one of the options below to access additional resources to help you begin a journey to regain joy and contentment in your life.

You feeling better matters. We care about you.


Feeling Light Blue?


Feeling Dark Blue?

Feeling Light Blue


After the fun and hustle of the holiday season passes, it’s not uncommon to settle into a post-holiday slump. With less sunshine available, cold weather, and the natural off-ramp from the holiday high, many people feel a little bummed in January and February.

If this is you, you are not alone. When you're ready, there are many easy-to-access ways to break out of the funk! Or, lean into your blue feelings to learn something new about yourself and where you're headed this year.

No matter where your journey leads, we hope these resources help you break out of your current shade of blue.


Feeling Sad versus Depression

How do you know if you're just a little bummed or if something bigger is going on? This resource can help you investigate your feelings and choose your best next step.

Rally on a bad day

How to Rally on a Bad Day

We don’t always have the luxury of letting a bad day get to us. Life goes on and all that.  The Lazy Genius reminds us of some simple steps we can take to shake it off in this podcast episode.


The Funk Fix

Sometimes the best way out of a funky day is to get up and dance! Our team has compiled a playlist of songs that boost our moods. Maybe a tune from The Funk Fix will be just the thing for you, too!

Grow Your Gratitude Muscles

The things we focus on in life are the things that shape how we feel about our life. When we focus on the things we are grateful for, we find more and more contentment in our daily experiences. Nothing but our focus has to change to reap the benefits of gratitude!

Music Envoked Sadness

Lean into the Blue

Feeling blue isn't something we immediately have to chase away. That feeling might be there to teach us something. This article explains the benefit of accessing feelings through sad music. If you'd like to lean in and learn something new in this season, grab your journal, use this playlist to help set the mood, and get to know yourself a little better.

Feeling Dark Blue

So much about being a whole person can feel overwhelming. Even the most “together” people can go through periods of time when absolutely nothing feels right. To compound things, finding a way to share how you’re feeling can sometimes feel tricky.

If you’re feeling sad, depressed, or anxious, you are not alone. It is absolutely ok to ask for help to feel better. In fact, asking for help is the bravest thing you can do.

The world needs you, with your many gifts and talents, to be here and show up as your whole self.

If you need a helping hand, we’ve compiled a list of resources to help guide you to that assistance. Please, reach out to one of these groups or a trusted friend or family member and get the help you need to feel better.

You matter and we care about you.

Feeling better? 💗 Chart your next 2023 adventure.


Leaping into 2023

Take your ambitions sky-high as you leap into 2023! Venture into the stratosphere for motivating tips that serve as brain food and jet-pack fuel.


Feeling Blue?

Feeling blue is as natural as the sky and sea. Whether you'd like to explore the blue or change colors, this pigmented path will show you the way.


Strolling into 2023

The scenic route is perfect for explorers and scooter-fanatics. Pack a snack and embrace these self-care necessities as you stroll into 2023.

Who else could use a boost today?